Mailing Address: 2740 HIGHWAY 35 N UNIT A
ROCKPORT, TX 78382-5709
Physical Address:
2718 HIGHWAY 35 N Rockport, TX
Phone: 361-790-0100
Direct: 361-790-0184
Fax: 361-727-2043
Commissioners’ Court meets every 2nd and 4th Monday of the Month, except Holidays, at 9:00 A.M and every Monday in the month of August, or when specifically changed by the Court for various reasons.  (Special Meetings and Workshops are also scheduled for various times during the year, and agendas for such meetings are posted at least 72 hours prior to said meetings.) Any items placed on the agenda without supporting documentiation will not be considered.
Aransas County Commmissioners Court Meetings are recorded and streamed live on YouTube. To view past meetings or tune in to a current meeting; you may visit our YouTube Channel (Click Here).
Videos are also made available on our Commissioners Court YouTube Playlist; you may link directly to the playlist here to see all previous meetings and stay up to date on future meetings. The playlist may be found here.
Public Participation in Regular Meetings may be achieved by filling out a "Public Participation Form" prior to the meeting at the link below; or by submitting one in person at the Courthouse.
Public Participation Form
Minutes and Agendas
(Updated) Third Amended - Rules of the Court
Members of the Commissioners Court

Precinct 1-1A Commissioner
Jack Chaney |

Precinct 2 Commissioner
Leslie "Bubba" Casterline |

Precinct 3 Commissioner
Pat Rousseau |

Precinct 4 Commissioner
Bob Dupnik |

County Judge Ray A. Garza Contact
Duties of a County Commissioner
The job of the county commissioner calls for hands-on service delivery as well as policy-making budget decisions.
Four commissioners, each elected from a quarter of the county's population, serve along with the county judge on the commissioners court. In addition to assuring that county roads are maintained, commissioners vote with the county judge to set the budget for all county departments and adopt a tax rate.
Among other responsibilities, the commissioners court:
Sets the yearly property tax rate and approves the budget and employment level for the county;
Sets commissioners and justice of the peace precinct boundaries;
Calls, conducts and certifies elections, including bond elections;
Sets employment and benefit policy;
Establishes long-range thoroughfare, open space, land use, financial and law enforcement/jail needs plans;
Acquires property for rights-of-way or other uses determined to be in the public's best interest;
Reviews and approve subdivision platting and wastewater treatment for rural areas;
Provides rural ambulance services and subsidizes rural fire protection;
Oversees the construction, maintenance and improvement of county roads and bridges;
Appoints non-elected department heads and standing committees;
Supervises and controls the county courthouse, county buildings and facilities;
Adopts a county budget;
Determines county tax rates;
Fills vacancies in elective and appointive positions; and
exclusive authority to authorize contracts in the name of the county.