Community Services |
Please Note: This is not an exhaustive list and does not include every service provider that is available. The providers below have performed services and provided literature about themselves to the many departments of Aransas County. Any and all service providers are welcome and you are also welcome to go to any provider of your choosing on or off this list for your own well being or if ordered by the Court.
Alcoholics Anonymous in Rockport
- 814 Wharf Street - 729-5924
- 1104 E. Concho - 790-8559
- 1821 Broadway - 729-5607
- 104 Church St. - 729-6970
Dr. Paul M. Hamilton,PHD
- 101 N. Magnolia St., Rockport - 727-0143
Mary E. Spencer, MS, LPC
- 220 Hwy 35 N. #240, Rockport -790-8100
Coastal Plains Community MHMR Center
- 620 E. Concho, Rockport - 727-0988
Access Counseling
- 901 E. Main St., Rockport - 729-0633
Coast Bend Outpatient Services (drug rehab)
- 541 W. Cleveland Blvd, Aransas Pass, 758-0020
North Bay Hospital Mental Health & Substance Abuse
- 1711 W. Wheeler Ave, Aransas Pass - 361-758-0522
Shoreline Chemical Dependency Treatment Center
- 1220 Gregory Street, Taft 78390 - 528-3356
DWI Education Programs
- 2587 S. Main St., Ingleside - 361-776-2950
Connections Individual and Family Services
- 213 Cedar Dr., Ste. B, Portland - 643-7631
AS&J Counseling & Consulting Inc.
- 323 Wildcat Dr., Portland - 643-0602
DWI Education Programs
- 1107 Hwy 181, (in North Shore Plaza) Portland - 361-643-9559
ADAPT (Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention in Texas)
- 5858 S. Padre Island Drive. #111 (Inside Sunrise Mall)
Corpus Christi - 361-985-8598 or 800-616-4099(toll free)
Landmark Counseling
- 9708 S. Padre Island Dr., Corpus Christi, Ste. A-107, 361-937-1993
Acorn Christian Counseling
- 9708 S. Padre Island Dr., Corpus Christi, Ste. A-200, 361-937-8711
Anger Management Program
- 3401 Santa Fe, Corpus Christi - 361-887-8556
Charlie's Place - Coastal Bend Alcohol and Drug Rehab Center
- 24 N. Country Club Place, Corpus Christi - 361-882-8556
Women's Shelter of South Texas
- P.O. Box 3368, Corpus Christi 361-884-2900
- Domestic Violence Hotline 361-881-8888
- Sexual Assault Hotline 361-881-8454
- Advocacy and Support Services
- Alice 361-664-8598
- Sinton 361-364-0661
- Corpus 361-881-9675
- Kingsville 361-516-0288
- Beeville 361-362-1187
South Texas Substance Abuse Recovery Services Inc.
- 907 Antelope St., Corpus Christi
- Laura A. Morales
- 361-815-4550 (Cell)
- 361-882-9979 (Office)
- 361-882-4469 (Fax)
Padre Behavioral Hospital
- 6629 Wooldridge Road, Corpus Christi
- Bill Hardcastle
- 361-986-1889
- 361-688-2037 (cell)